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Australia entered into two DAMA agreements

Australia entered into two DAMA agreements

By admin 2 Comments June 2, 2019

Recently South Australia had entered into two DAMA agreement, providing South Australian

employers to fill the labour shortages by sponsoring the overseas skilled migrants. Both the

agreement has the separate occupation list and the type of industries

1. Adelaide Technology And Innovation Advancement Agreement- this is for the high- tech

industries, and it covers the Adelaide Metropolitan regions only.

2. South Australian Regional Workforce Agreement- This is for the high growth industries

including the agribusiness, forestry, health, tourism, construction and so on and it covers the

entire state of South Australia.

Immigration SA will undertake the role of Designated Area Representative (DAR), which is

responsible for endorsing employers seeking to access overseas workers through the Designated

Area Migration Agreements

Employers who are facing the skills shortages, the first step will be to apply for the DAR

endorsement. DAR undertakes the assessment and issue the Letter of Endorsement to the employer

and notifies the Department of Home Affairs.

The employer then can request for the DAMA Labour Agreement with the Department of Home

Affairs. If the department approved the agreement, the employer could proceed to lodge the

nomination and visa application with Home Affairs.

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Useful Information. Thanks



good article


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