Immigration to Australia
By admin 2 Comments May 14, 2019

Australia is one of the most popular immigration destination for applicants all over the
world. Immigration to Australia from India has specifically become very famous and sort-after. With
world ranked university and colleges, students are always keen to come and study in Australia .The
skilled workers from India are applying in huge numbers for Australia Permanent Resident Visa.
But many times, the potential migrants are unaware about the Australian Immigration process, the
right visa category and documentation part to apply. In this blog, we will bring facts about Australia
Permanent Residency program that every potential migrant should know.
Australian Permanent Resident Visa: Rights and Categories
An Australian Permanent Resident visa allows an applicant to live, work and study in the country
without restriction for at least five years. The Australia PR Visa is valid for at least five years. The
Australia PR Holders are given most of the rights similar to Australian citizens like access to
Medicare: National health scheme.
There are different Australian Immigration programs that you may consider depending upon your
purpose of coming and residing in the country. The programs include Skilled Migration Programs,
Family Sponsorship Programs, and Business Investor Programs.
The most popular of all is Skilled Migration Programs that includes:
- The Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189,
- The Skilled Sponsored Visa Subclass 190,
- The Skilled Regional Provisional Subclass 489.
A point-based immigration system is followed to invite skilled and qualified workers where an
applicant must score at least 65 points out of 100 on Australia Point Assessment grid for the factors
namely age, educational qualification, work experience, language ability, and other factors. Points
can be checked on Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) website.
Falling short on points?
There are many ways of improving Australia PR points for faster immigration chances. You have the
option to improve your language assessment test results, getting spouse evaluation, taking
community classes, etc.
Discuss your options to Migrate to Australia with qualified and experienced registered migration
Agent. Contact Faith Immigration services.
2 Comments found
Good Post, Thanks
Parul Kapoor